Changes in V. 0.1.1 release of January 15, 2003: - Overworked recognization of link areas, still not perfect yet but much better now. - HTTP protocol layer reworked, is faster now and works for much more servers now. - The problem of files with long names not loaded at some Magic versions (eg. *.html) is solved now. - Added a workaround to have it working under Geneva again. - Fixed several remaining bugs related to
  • tags. - Implemented and tags, also is working now. - Table cells with percentage width are working now. - Images that has not more than 1 pixel width and/or height don't get a place holder anyore. That makes pages looking nicer if some spacer gifs couldn't be loaded. - Fixed some oddities related to transparent GIFs. - Reworked code to avoid flickering mouse pionter when moved over window's title or info bar or being exactly over a frame's border. - Bugs #0020, #0022, #0080, #0086, #0087 resolved. __________________________________________________ Changes in V. 0.1.0 release of December 20, 2002: - Working implementation of history functionality allows back/forward navigation per window through previous loaded pages and frames (undo/ redo). - More functionality for
    tag input elements. Radio buttons, check boxes and normal buttons are working now. - Completed Unicode support for TrueType fonts. - New functionality for browsing the local file system (directory listing), sortable by name/ date/size. - Meta tag for "refresh" implemented, even if the refresh time will always be taken as '0' yet (scheduler limitation). - Improved representation of list items. - More compacted storage of documents in memory. - Bugs #0006, #0015, #0024, #0027, #0052, #0066, #0069, #0072, #0073, #0079, #0081, #0082 resolved. __________________________________________________ Changes in V.09 alpha of October 30, 2002: - Multiple Windows are now supported for the frame target "_blank". Also ALT+ mouse click on a link opens it in a new window. - Displaying of non-Speedo fonts is working now so far. The result isn't that pretty yet but at least useable. - Implementation of wheel mouse support. - Realtime scrolling for slider usage. - Highlighting of links improved. If the mouse pointer is over a link the target will be shown in the window's info line. - Improved parser function to also recognize quotation. - Overworked text floating around images and tables. - Slightly improved Nearest Colour algorithm for screen resolutions <=256 colours - Closed some memory leaks. __________________________________________________ Changes in V.08 alpha of August 15, 2002: - Extended menu bar, the current charset encoding can be seen and changed at menu title "View". Also de/increasing of the display font is available there. - Menu entry "Info.." will show now some basic information about the active frame. - Right mouse click now opens a popup menu. - Improved algorithm for line breaking to avoid splitting of text lines at wrong positions. - Implementation of memory caching of images avoids multiple loading of the same image. The pseudo URI "about:cache" now shows detailed information about cached images. - Implementation of attribute. - Bugfix tags inside links breaking colouring. - And many more ... __________________________________________________ Changes in V.07 alpha of July 24, 2002: - Reworked configuration code, new keyword FONT_SIZE in the cfg file sets the base font size in point (default is 12pt). If the environment variable HOME is set the cfg file will first be searched at the places $HOME/defaults/highwire.cfg -> $HOME/highwire.cfg -> $HOME/.highwire . - Improved handling of text wrapping around images and tables, also
    flag is handled now. - Implemented HSPACE image attributes. - Frame targets _top, _self, _parent are recognized properly now (_blank still not working). - Margin settings of and are implemented now (default is 5px). -
    tags are now correctly calculated in position and size. - Very first implementation of CSS attribute STYLE of some HTML tags. - For


    the color and the background-color can be set with the CSS style attribute. - Reworked parser and text storing code for faster parsing and reduced memory usage. - Lots of smaller glitches fixed. __________________________________________________ Changes in V.06 alpha of July 07, 2002: - Bugfix in the GIF image reading function. Due to a miscalculated value for vertical scaling this function could cause crashes by corrupting memory. - First implementation of text wrapping around images that have ALIGN="LEFT" set. - Implementation of the VSPACE attribute for images. - Links to target frame "_top" are working correctly now. - Fixed drawing of table background and cell borders. - Fixed redraw bug if the window was covered by other windows. - Scrolling works now also if the window is not the top window (without topping it). - If a file type can't be determined by the file's extension a simple check is done to see if the file contains HTML (eg. for php extension). - Added handling of 'about:' and 'mailto:'.